Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Welcome to the new Squiggles. We're taking advantage of Blog publishing to simplify the publishing process and combine the best of Web publishing and email publishing. The email list remains exactly the same, (including how you change your subscription or unsubscribe). The difference is that you will receive (or see) shorter, more frequent updates between "issues." Instead of having a Web site review and/or book review along with two fully developed articles once a month (or so) those items will be spaced out in smaller chunks. Editor updates (for those who are following events with our baby) will be included at the bottom of the more fully developed articles that will also be posted here.

The old issues will remain available through the archives link from the top of this page. The Blog will be archived once a month, and the links for those archives will soon appear to the left or at the top of this page.

I apologize in advance for any problems that occur while we work out bugs, but I think things are already in pretty good shape. Watch for articles and tools designed, as always, to help you become a more effective communicator.

Emails will continue to arrive in the mailboxes for subscribers, and you can continue to get to the online version by going to It's just that when you get to that online location, you'll see a blog instead of the format you've been seeing.

Thank you for your continuing support!